As a Hip hop artist and songwriter, Wordsmith has outgrown and overcome the negative stereotypes of the Urban music genres. He has earned his chances and performed shows for grade schools and colleges, clubs and bars, venues and theaters, even conferences and festivals. His music is free of profanity, full of message driven content and his dramatic style is embraced by Rock, Pop, Alternative, even Jazz music audiences.
Wordsmith has earned the ACAPLUS award four times and lectured and performed at various conferences around the country, including SXSW. Wordsmith visits grade schools to perform for students and promote anti-bullying narratives and a message of purpose.
Hip hop/R&B/Pop emcee and indie artist, and now front man of a three-person live band, Anthony Parker (Baltimore, Maryland), aka Wordsmith’s dramatic style, clean lyrics, and message-driven content has cross-genre appeal.
Bass guitarist Henry “Pep” Rose brings his knowledge and experience with a side of real soul. Kareem Thompson won a drum competition at the age of 16 and he has played drums for Love & Hip hop New York star Jhonni Blaze. Dan Wachter serves as a multipurpose partner for Wordsmith handling band manager duties, videography and sound.
Wordsmith toured and performed for US troops on an Armed Forces Entertainment Tour, and has licensed over 30 songs for film, television internet video, video games and advertisement purposes with companies like NFL Network, ESPN, CBS, NBC, Fox, and Nintendo Wii.
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